The Science of Early
Childhood Development

Our bilingual curriculum is based on ‘The Science of Early Childhood Development’. It is designed to provide research proven programs and stimulating environment to help children accelerate in all developmental areas in early childhood. Research has proven zero to three is a critical period for a child as early influences matter (Tierney & Nelson, 2009). Each activity of our curriculum takes into the consideration of the children’s needs and developmental stages, which includes intellectual, language, physical (fine and gross motor skills), social and emotional aspects. Learning through play with emphasizes on personal, social and emotional development, physical development, communication and language development, sensory experience, exploration, literacy, mathematics, expressive arts, and understanding the world will build a strong foundation now and for all future learning, behavior and health (Hirsh-Pasek & Golinkoff, 2008). Lastly, we truly believe in the benefits of a bilingual experience, hence our curriculum includes resources in both English and Chinese.

We deeply believe positive parenting skills play an important role in the child’s early years and parents are a child’s best toy.
Each parent’s relationship with his/her child is the most important factor in supporting a child’s development because they provide the most appropriate nurturing, stimulation and guidance. Therefore, a critical component of our curriculum caters for parents and assist them or caregivers to strengthen their knowledge and skills thereby enhancing positive parenting practices and promoting healthy and optimal development of young children. To reinforce positive parenting skills, on a regular basis, we will be holding different types of parents’ seminars and expert masterclasses to enhance parents-child bonding experience. For example, we have an in-house physiotherapist to work on children’s gross motor skills and a music specialist in creating an age appropriate music curriculum to work on children’s musical sense such as pitch, tone and rhythm. In addition, the seminars and masterclasses will assist parents or caregivers to strengthen their knowledge and skills thereby enhancing positive parenting practices and promoting healthy and optimal development of young children.

Parallel with our curriculum, our purpose-built environment is creating connections and a sense of belonging for both the parents and their child.

In our school, each area is tailor-made for specific activities such as the gym room(physical), water play & arts and craft areas (curiosity, creativity), our sensory 270 room (eye-hand stimulation), music room (musical sense), fine motor room (strengthen small muscles) and circle time room (intellectual engagement). Through carefully planned and stimulating age-appropriate activities, they help to provoke wonder, curiosity, intellectual engagement and musical sense in young children.